by Isha Lerner

All Power of Flower Healing Essences made from pristine pure organic wild flowers in their natural habitat. Our flower essences are made using the sun/water method devised by the late Edward Bach in the late 1930's. They include brandy, the traditional preservative.

One half ounce stock bottle remedies are made from the original Mother Stock. Stock essences may be taken directly from the bottle, or, may be diluted by adding seven drops of the stock essence into a one ounce dropper bottle filled with one teaspoon brandy and spring water.

You may also take the stock bottle essence directly from the bottle by dropping three to five drops under your tongue. Your stock bottle will last much longer if you choose to prepare the remedy bottles; however, you will receive the same healing benefits either way you choose to work with your stock bottle essence.

Flower Essence Attunement
When administering flower essences for your own use or when assisting others, attune first with your own intuitive wisdom and guidance, Flower essences are not to be used as a complex medicine, There is not a wrong or a right way to take flower essences. The gentle healing properties of the remedies will do no harm. Trust in your own inner knowledge and enjoy the essences as you would a beautiful walk or stroll in nature.

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Single Flower Essence Kit Descriptions

Click on any thumbnail to see a larger version—see incredible detail and get a better feel of the energy.  

Kit includes the essences corresponding to the cards, and Alchemy, associated with the Alchemy Card in the 32-card deck. The properties of this essence are derived from the flowers corresponding to the Feminine Soul of Nature, Natura. The blend contains the essence of Rose, Orchid, Iris, and Lotus. It is highly recommended you purchase the book to accompany the set of essences.

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Book and Cards

Created by Isha Lerner
Illustrated by Karen Forkish

Isha Lerner has combined the jewels of the botanical world, flowers, with the mythic archetypes of humanity. The natural world and the world of human spirit align to create a powerful union, transcending the boundaries of the physical world and allowing communication with our highest selves. Using deities from many traditions, a specific flower match is found which represents the core values and symbolism of that archetype. The book contains a special poetic message from each flower, as well as information on using the essence of the flower for further vibrational healing.

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Single Flower Card Essence Descriptions

Angelica (Angelica archangelica)

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Healing Properties: Angelica helps one establish a firm connection between the refined, subtle realm of angelic light surrounding us and the tangible material world which grounds and anchors us to earth. Once such a link is made, we are given the inner strength and stamina required for pursuing our life’s destiny.

Angelica is also found in: Earth Alignment Blend

Angel’s Trumpet (Datura candida)

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Healing Properties: Angel’s Trumpet offers its trumpet-like call, heralding a time of transformation and rebirth. It is especially helpful for those in transition, those resisting letting go of material attachments, or those engaged in the literal dying process. This essence is so wonderful for those who are ready to release and free their souls unto the Divine.

Angel's Trumpet is also found in: Karmic Imprint Blend, and Letting Go of the Past

Apple Blossom (Malus communis)

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Healing Properties: Apple blossom purifies the emotions, assists the body in ridding itself of poisons from the past, and restores hope to one’s inner life. The essence goes to the ‘core’ healing, and opens one to the inner ‘star’ that resides within the heart. This essence has a way of purifying the aura so that one may bear the fruit of new dreams and aspirations.

Apple Blossom is also found in: Venus Activation Blend, Heal the Body Image, and Clear the Aura Blend

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

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Healing Properties: Black Cohosh envelopes and balances the emotional and mental realms, and helps one find the inner courage and strength to overcome addictive patterns and emotional dependencies which can undermine self-confidence and self-esteem. True liberation can follow. Referred to as a “woman’s plant” for its estrogen-like qualities which soothe menstrual cramps and assist in child birth.

Black Cohosh is also found in: Letting Go of the Past

Bleeding Heart (Dicentra formosa)

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Healing Properties: Bleeding Heart essence purifies and strengthens the heart chakra, as well as all emotions concerning love, bringing an open-hearted attitude and soothing the emotions so that one may re-invite the spirit of love into one’s soul body. It offers unconditional love to the wounded healer in all of us. It offers particular healing to those who have a broken heart due to great loss.

Bleeding Heart is also found in: Heal the Heart Blend


Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus)

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Healing Properties: Buttercup carries a blessing of quiet surrender, helping to restore and heal the inner child and helping us remember the creative gifts we carry into this world. The spirit of the sacred child arises within the human heart when this remedy is taken, helping us to see the Truth of who we really are. This is a perfect essence for children, and any person who wishes to restore self worth, inner treasures, and an illumed awareness of self love.

Budttercup is found in: A Child's Blend, Happy Child Blend, and New Life Blend


California Poppy (Eschsholzia califormica)

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Healing Properties: California Poppy carries within it the radiant heights of summer and the majesty of the sunlight. It helps to expand one’s vision to include the auric fields of flowers, plants, trees, animals, human beings and other beings found in nature. Known as ‘The Cup of Gold,” California Poppy essence creates a chalice within the heart so that one may receive the virtues of light, intuition, and inner abundance.


Calla Lily (Zantedeschia)

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Healing Properties: Calla Lily purifies, rejuvenates, and balances one’s spiritual-sexual nature, gently reuniting masculine and feminine principles within the individual and thereby expanding one’s notion of sexual identity. This is a wonderful remedy for those who wish to share a sexual/spiritual bond within a relationship context and is best taken, as a relationship healer, together with your partner.

Calla Lily is also found in: Intimacy Blend, and Love Elixir Blend


Fig (Ficus carica)

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Healing Properties: Fig is capable of restoring and enhancing memory, and is excellent when doing past-life or early-childhood regression work. It also balances one’s male and female elements at the cellular level; bringing the right and left hemispheres of the brain into a state of equilibrium and restoring deep wisdom to the body. It also helps with the conception process for those finding it difficult to conceive.

Fig is also found in: New Life Blend


Fuchsia (Fuchsia hybrida)

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Healing Properties: Fuchsia assists one in accepting long-repressed emotions, whether from this or other lifetimes, and embracing one’s long-submerged and neglected grief, pain, and suffering. Often, through this process, the Divine Child within is revealed.

Fuchsia is also found in: Heal the Heart Blend, and Purificatoin of Emotion


Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

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Healing Properties: Hibiscus energizes the first and second chakras, undoing blockages in the lower back and spine, and healing reproductive ailments, including infertility problems, frigidity or lack of feeling, as well as acting as a balm for long-held scars of sexual trauma. The essence assists in releasing pent up creative forces within the womb area and literally sets one free to dance again in life. The essence stimulates sexuality and passion.

Hibiscus is also found in: Light Body Blend, Passion Blend, and You Go, Girl!


Iris (Iridaceae)

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Healing Properties: Iris unblocks old patterns of self-limitation and stagnation, inspiring us to the heights of beauty and grace, and restoring a path to art and creativity. Known as the ‘Paintbrush to the Soul’ Iris is connected to the ‘Rainbow Goddess Iris” and is one of the best remedies to promote healing when one may feel dried up. Iris moistens the terrain of the soul force, enabling one to connect with the warmth and flow of creative energies.

Iris is also found in: Alchemy Blend, Radiant Self Blend, and You Go, Girl!


Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)

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Healing Properties: The pure, clean aroma of Lavender washes one’s energetic field, and soothes and heals a shattered soul force when mental and spiritual properties have become overly burdened. It also assists with negative “self-talk,” and encourages us to rest peacefully, knowing you are never alone on your healing journey. Lavender essence also cools down an overly hot, or active, adrenal flow, so that one may sleep, or meditate with greater success.

Lavender is also found in: Yoga Blend


Lotus (Nelumbo nucifrea)

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Healing Properties: Lotus stimulates the seventh (crown) chakra to open to Divine inspiration and Spiritual liberation. Your yearning for enlightenment is witnessed, honored and fulfilled. Lotus holds the key to spiritual liberation and freedom.

Lotus is also found in: Alchemy Blend, Passion Blend, and Yoga Blend

Manzanita (Arctostaphyos manzanita)

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Healing Properties: Manzanita brings harmony to body and soul, helping to uplift our attitude concerning body image, assisting people suffering from eating disorders of any kind, and helping those sensitive, spiritually-attuned souls who find the body cumbersome. It is a fine remedy for those who are unhappy with their physical form due to age, weight, or poor self esteem. Manzanita will open the individual to the beauty and essence of their physical body, thus, restoring the gift of incarnation.

Manzanita is also found in: Heal the Body Image


Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

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Healing Properties: Morning Glory awakens the spirit, attuning the individual to his or her own shimmering brilliance and vitality. It can serve as a rejuvenating tonic, melting away patterns of lethargy or inertia and allowing one to feel embraced by the jubilant forces of nature. Morning Glory rises up in the early morning with an eager will to meet the rising sun in the great blue sky.

Morning Glory is also found in: Arise and Awaken Blend, Radiance Blend, and You Go, Girl!


Mountain Pride (Penstemen newberryl)

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Healing Properties: Lending courage to the spiritual seeker, Mountain Pride assists them in aligning their motivations with purity and honesty, empowering them to speak from their heart and act with conviction and common sense in order to achieve their destiny. This essence assists those who wish to define and activate their purpose in life, and, helps the individual to envision new goals and aspirations.

Mountain Pride is also found in: New Life Blend, and Purpose & Destiny Blend

Nootka Rose (Rosaceae)

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Healing Properties: Each color of the Rose gently and uniquely stimulates the heart chakra to open to Cosmic Love and Wisdom, sometimes understood and experienced only through suffering and pain. Deep roots reflect tenacity and endurance. The flower essence heals and stimulates the heart chakra offering new found peace and love within. It is pure love in a bottle.

Nootka Rose is also found in: Heal the Heart Blend, Mother Nurture Blend, and Venus Activation Blend


Orchid (Bauhinia forticata)

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Healing Properties: Orchid greatly enhances one’s sensuality and divine pro-creative forces, seeking to refine the raw drive of sexual desire.

Orchid is also found in: Alchemy Blend, and Passion Blend

Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale)

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Healing Properties: Oriental Poppy beckons one to journey into the mysteries of creative visualization and dream journaling, as used by ancient Shamans. Oriental Poppy is an excellent remedy for those wishing to enhance their clairvoyant and telepathic skills.

Oriental Poppy is also found in: Healer's Blend


Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)

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Healing Properties: Passion Flower helps us understand the deepest possible meaning of our own personal suffering, after which it assists in the ascent to our truest calling of service on the planet. It seeks to purify the kundalini forces which coil upward around the spine, strengthening one’s connection to selfless service and unconditional love, as well as drawing one closer to angelic messengers and galactical star patterns. Passion Flower essence draws one close to the force of forgiveness and sets one free from the feeling of condemnation or a feeling of having been “crucified’ in this life, or, a past life. Pansy is an important flower essence to protect against virus and immune disorders.

Passion Flower is also found in: Intimacy Blend


Pomegranate (Punica Granatum)

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Healing Properties: A symbol of fertility, pomegranate restores self-nurturing and regenerates fertility on all levels, helping to identify long-buried emotional needs, especially in relation to the mother, childbearing and creative issues.

Pomegranate is also found in: Mother Nurture Blend


Purple Water Lily (Nymphaea)

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Healing Properties: Similar to the Lotus, the Purple Water Lily gently assists in the process of spiritual rebirth. Having a profound effect on the crown and brow chakras, it assists with opening channels of communication with one’s higher self, as well as with vast, unseen worlds by enabling the human body to absorb higher light frequencies.

Purple Water Lily is also found in: Karmic Imprint Blend, and Light Body Blend


Queen of the Night (Cereus greggii)

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Healing Properties: Queen of the Night assists in balancing one’s yin qualities by opening channels to the womanly gifts and secrets buried in the deep places of their psyches. It is a valuable tool for women during the changing cycles of life, helping us to age gracefully and honor the subtle grace of the aged. (not available as a stock practitioner flower essence. Must be purchased in stock strength from Desert Alchemy)

Queen of the Night is also found in: Wise Woman Elixir Blend


Sagebrush (Artemisia caucasica)

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Healing Properties: Sagebrush purifies the heart, mind and body, accelerating personal evolution. Sagebrush helps us to see through our well worn patterns, addictions, and attachments so negative thought forms and self-effacing habits can be eliminated. Combined with California Poppy, it is a wonderful essence for freeing one’s self from drug addiction, or any other form of addictive characteristics.

Sagebush is also found in: Arise and Awaken Blend, Clear the Aura Blend, Guys Rock, Karmic Imprint Blend, New Life Blend, Letting Go of the Past, and Wise Woman Elixir Blend


Saguaro Cactus (Cereus giganteus)

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Healing Properties: Saguaro Cactus can help individuals align vertically to a higher order of personal authority and integrity. Father issues are eased and it is especially helpful for those who have lost a father at an early age or experienced paternal abandonment at or before birth. This essence is very good for those who are wishing to heal the ‘male’ energies within.

Saguaro Cactus is also found in: Wise Man Elixir Blend

Shooting Star (Dodeatheon hendersonii)

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Healing Properties: Shooting Star is most beneficial to those who feel alienated from numerous aspects of early existence and suffer deeply for it. It re-patterns the soul force and reconnects them to their true, cosmic origins, allowing them to embrace earthly existence and offer their special gifts to the more earth-bound beings in their midst. Especially helpful for children with traumatic births, but a potent elixir for curing alienation on all levels.

Shooting Star is found in: A Child's Blend, Happy Child Blend, and Radiant Self Blend


Silversword (Argyroxiphium macrocephalum)

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Healing Properties: (very rare and special essence...grows only in Haleakala Crater on the island of Maui, Hawaii) Silver Sword is very rare, with a high vibratory frequency. It releases encoded information stored in the miasmas (or cellular memory bank), completely opening one’s energy centers and aligning one’s body with the next seven chakras above the crown. It cuts through the illusion of ordinary reality and unveils the curtain that separates us from our highest aspirations and healing. When the individual is ready to be ‘fully seen’ and ready for their truest soul work, Silversword is the best flower to take as a remedy.

Silversword is also found in: Arise and Awaken Blend, Guys Rock, Healer's Blend, Iris Heaven Blend, Mother Nurture Blend, Radiance Blend, Venus Activation Blend, Wise Man Elixir Blend, and Yoga Blend

Sunflower (Helianthus)

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Healing Properties: Sunflower helps to balance the first chakra, assisting with healing the masculine and feminine archetypes so that one may come to rest safely in one’s own power. The essence allows for the emergence of courage and self-confidence as one step into new roles of service and leadership.

Sunflower is also found in: Guys Rock, Light Body Blend, New Life Blend, Purpose & Destiny Blend, Radiance Blend, and Wise Man Elixir Blend

Violet (Viola Orbiculata)

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Healing Properties: Violet is especially attuned to highly evolved and fragile souls, assisting with self-liberation, self-expression and individuation, while retaining the refined and tender qualities of their feminine beauty. In a sense, violet flowers call out, “Come and see me,” thereby, balancing a force of receptive beauty with a new found personal will. The Purple Violet bridges the virtues and qualities of the violet with the inner foundation of self worth and courage.


Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)

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Healing Properties: Zinnia enhances one’s ability to rediscover the child-like qualities of playfulness, joy, delight, unconditional love, and a spirit of lighthearted innocence and adventure. This is a very good essence for the elderly, or for any person who may be suffering from a lack of joy or energy due to age, illness, or depression.

Zinnia is found in: A Child's Blend, and You Go, Girl!

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Other Single Flower Essences

I. Nelsonii

Abbeville Red Iris

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Healing Properties: The Abbeville Red Iris reaches in a more upward fashion than its originator, iFulva. The stems, leaves and petals tend to orient themselves toward the light, therefore, offering the signature of a plant that fosters the bridge between darkness and light. The Iris in general is a potent plant that has been connected with the Roman Goddess Iris, whose job it was to connect the higher worlds of the Heavens with the lower realms of the Underworld. Her name in Latin means “rainbow.”

The Abbeville Red, which contains the watery healing properties of the Giant Blue and the ancient iFulva, carries potent healing properties for a weakened immune system and low life-force energies, and helps to revive creative inspiration through the expression of words and communication.

Due to its unusual origins as a hybrid, it embodies the spirit of individuation, supporting the individual who seeks to express his or her own unique genius in the world. This is an excellent flower essence for artists, teachers and dancers.

Abbeville Red/Nelsonii Iris is also found in: Iris Heaven Blend

Ashley Michelle Hybrid Iris

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Healing Properties: Attuning to this flower assists people who are seeking spiritual development or wishing to know their reason for being in physical form in this lifetime. It is beneficial to be taken before meditation or other spiritual/religious practices, as it assists with opening communication channels for attunement with your Divine inner self, as well as your Spirit guides and teachers. It enhances self-awareness and visualization.

It is often difficult to stay focused and trusting of your inner guidance due to distractions. The Ashley Michelle Hybrid Iris will help you hear and accept your inner voice and offer valuable insights as you explore spiritual realms of evolving consciousness.

Moluccella laevis

Bells of Ireland

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Healing Properties: Belles of Ireland flower essence opens our conscious awareness to the light and intelligence present in nature, helps the newly born greet the earth, and strengthens the energetic connection between the physical body and the earth. Belles of Ireland is one of the special green flowers in nature. There are very few green flowers and their energies are grounding as they assist the indiviudal with all matters of the heart. This flower remedy is for those who lack a solid connection with the Heart Chakra and is beautifully added to the essence of Bleeding Heart as a healing remedy. This essence may also bring a lightness of gratitude to those who wish to connect more consciously with nature. It also connects the individual to the physical realm and strengthens the connection to the embodiment experience.

Rubus fruticosus


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Healing Properties: The blackberry flower essence is known to contain polyphenol antioxidents, naturally occurring chemicals that can upregulate certain beneficial metabolic processes in mamals. The astringent blackberry root is a flower remedy sometimes used in herbal medicine as a treatment for diarrhea and dysentery.

Cichorium intybus

Blue Chicory, Wild

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Healing Properties: For those who feel a bit needy, finding it difficult to experience emotional peace within. Helps one balance the needs of Self with the needs of others. From the Asteraceae (daisy) family, it is for those who feel a bit needy, finding it difficult to experience emotional peace within. Feeling empty and abandoned by the world. One may ask: "Why is the world this way?" We learn to join the collective heart of unconditional love, feeling that we are always cherished so that we may carry on with our work and service in the world.

Borago officinalis


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Healing Properties: Borage flower essence is an excellent heart remedy, especially for the feeling of heaviness in the heart and perhaps throughout the body. This is a lovely flower remedy that helps the heart experience ebullience and lightness. It fills the soul with fresh forces of optimism and enthusiasm while radiating our essence outwardly to others.

Borage is also found in: Earth Alignment Blend

Calochortus tolmiei

Cat’s Ear

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Healing Properties: Cat’s Ear also known as Star Tulip is an exquisite remedy for gently opening and expanding the life of the soul helping with sensitive with receptive attunement. Cat’s Ear is an excellent remedy for men who have denied their softer, more receptive side, for women who may have built a shell of protection around themselves. Cat’s Ear stimulates the Ajna Center, or, sixth chakra, also known as the Third Eye. It stimulates visions and dreams allowing for attunement with the subtle energies that surround the physical world.

Cat's Ear is also found in: Healer's Blend, and Yoga Blend

Cosmos bipinnatus


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Healing Properties: Cosmos flower essence helps those souls whose higher mental bodies are not properly integrated with the speaking and thinking functions of the nervous system. Such individuals often feel frustrated and overwhelmed as they attempt to convey the true inspiration of their Higher Self through their thoughts and especially through their speech. These persons can be flooded by too much information, rendering the speech pattern rapid and inarticulate; or the thoughts may be superficially glib but lacking in deeper concepts. In extreme cases the speech may actually become dulled and the soul forces introverted, as the personality no longer makes contact with the higher mental function. Cosmos flower remedy harmonizes the thinking and speaking patterns with the higher soul functions, so that the true spirit can shine forth from the personality.

Taraxacum officinale


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Healing Properties: It is thought that one might blow upon the dandelion seeds, and as they drift into the wind, they will carry your wishes to your lover. The soul needing Dandelion flower essence feels a natural intensity and love for life. Such individuals are compulsive “doers” who enter with great zeal and zest into many activities. Unfortunately, they can over-plan and over-form their lives beyond the natural capacity of the body to sustain such intensity. Furthermore, such persons may become unable to experience more contained moments of reflective activity. The unexpressed inner life of the soul and the harsh demands on the body collide to create extreme tension, especially in the musculature. The Dandelion flower remedy teaches these individuals how to listen closely to emotional messages and bodily needs. As tension is released the soul feels more inner ease and balance, allowing spiritual forces to flow through the body in a dynamic, effortless way.

Dandelion is also found in: Earth Alignment Blend, and Letting Go of the Past

Cornus nuttallii


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Healing Properties: Dogwood flower essence promotes unity on the physical and energetic levels, and healing from abuse. The Dogwood creates a lightness in your body. Abuse victims will often carry trauma with them in their physical and spiritual bodies, even long after the trauma has passed. Our bodies have the unfortunate ability to hold onto trauma as a physical manifestation of fear. The victim’s body becomes a shell, with a protective outer aura to prevent further damage – even after the damage has already been done. Erase this aura of protection and release your physical and spiritual life with this flower remedy. Begin to let your spirit and body move with grace!

Psuedotsuga Menziesii

Douglas Fir

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Healing Properties: Douglas Fir flower essence aids in the physical healing of the nervous system in the legs and feet. It also aids in strengthening spiritual and mental empowerment. Similar to the strength found within the trunk of a tree, this flower remedy interacts with your body and mind to form a perfect harmony above and below. “As above, so below” is a fitting description of the awe-inspiring Douglas Fir. In the forest this tree is a towering giant. You will gain the physical strength of strong and pain-free lower limbs, as well as mental fortitude.

Onenothera hookeri

Evening Primrose

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Healing Properties: Evening Primrose helps to catalyze emotional awareness for those who feel unwanted and often cope by avoiding deep emotional contact or bonding, fear of parenthood or sexual and emotional repression. Evening Primrose literally rebirths the soul, providing a matrix of emotional nutrients that were lacking in the soul’s earliest feelings about incarnation.

Evening Primrose is also found in: Love Elixir Blend

Epilobium angustifolium


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Healing Properties: One of it's most powerful and telltale abilities is that this is the FIRST sign of life, the first plant and the first wild flower, to begin growing after a massive, destructive forest fire. Tall, bold and leafy, Fireweed flower essence comes up rapidly (within a week) in burned out areas of devastation, and brings not only life back to an area, but incredible beauty with its long germinal racemes of flowers. In a charred, blackened region of thousands of acres of destruction, Fireweed flower remedy will cover acres with their tall stems and lavender-colored flowers - as if to say "Have hope, all is not lost. Even though it seems to be right now--it is not." Fireweed begins, quite literally, the restoration of a destroyed region.

Myosotis sylvatica


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Healing Properties: Forget Me Not flower essence enhances awareness of karmic connections in one’s personal relationships and with those in the spiritual world. This flower remedy awakens the soul to higher levels of heart exchange. It creates a beautiful rainbow bridge between those that have departed us and for those we have yet to meet in this life.

I. Giganticaurulea

Giant Blue/I. Giganticaurulea Iris

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Healing Properties: Arising from the shallow waters, the Giant Blue Iris shares the virtue of the blue heaven and the glorious yellow sun. It is very erect and upright, and stemming from water, personifies one’s ability to discover the creative muse within. Just as the inner sanctuary of the human soul holds the experience of emotional depth, the Giant Blue Iris serves as a symbolic paintbrush to the senses, thereby, allowing creativity to flow like a divine stream of inspiration. The Giant Blue Iris aligns beautifully with an organic flow of feeling and self-actualization.

Giant Blue/I. Giganticurlea Iris is also found in: Iris Heaven Blend

Erythronium montanum

Glacier Fawn Lily

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Healing Properties: This lovely wild lily grows near the spring water’s edge as it ripples down the mountain and into the meadow. It shares its home with Indian Paintbrush, and Shooting Star along the meadow green. Its sweet shy appearance reminds us to lift our heads and unfurl the grace that lives within. It bestows strength among the humble souls who often feel unseen or unheard. The essence invokes a willingness to share one’s true natural gifts with others. This essence is especially wonderful to take with the Shooting Star.

Castilleja miniata

Indian Paintbrush

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Healing Properties: Indian Paintbrush is for those who engage in highly creative work. For one with a tendency toward low vitality and exhaustion, difficulty in rousing physical forces to sustain the intensity of creative work, and inability to bring creative forces in to physical expression. Indian paintbrush helps in regaining lively, energetic creativity with exuberant artistic activity.

Indian Paintbrush is also found in: Purpose & Destiny Blend, Radiant Self Blend, Venus Activation Blend, and Meadow Blend

Delphinium nuttallianum


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Healing Properties: Larkspur helps those who are in positions of leadership to align their feeling life with their spiritual ideals. From this place, the soul learns to radiate inspired charismatic energy which motivates and encourages others. Its beauty among the spring wild flowers shines brightly and boldly a most radiant purple/blue hue. The remedy helps us to speak and share our self with the world with integrity and forthright intention.

Larkspur is also found in: Purpose & Destiny Blend, and Meadow Blend

Syringa Vlugaris


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Healing Properties: As a flower essence, Lilac floods the body with new vitality and joy. It is helpful for depression, melancholy, and low energy due to a lack of self-connectedness. The essence helps us to relax and to find peace within nature. It rejuvenates and uplifts.

Lilac flower essences lifts the burdens of life for those who refuse to allow help from others. It restores the lightness of laughter within the soul and eases painful memories of the past. Ultimately, Lilac is a flower of joy, beauty, and vitality.

Meadow Blend

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Healing Properties: An exquisite mountain meadow blend flower essence is made in the pure, clean air of the Cascade Mountains in the Northwest USA. The flowers added to make this blend were all at their peak of expression and beauty, and cascaded down the mountain in spectacular fashion. The view was as if a rainbow had been brought to earth. When Isha saw the array of beauty she felt the pull from her heart to create a blend from this bounty. The flower remedy blend is a radiant infusion of joy, expression, creativity, and passion.

The flowers combined to make this essence are: Larkspur, Indian Paintbrush, Wall Flower, and Wild Iris.



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Healing Properites: Mimulus flower essence embodies healing from fear. The center of fear in the brain is found in the Amygdala – a most base portion of the brain that developed very early on the evolutionary scale. Fear has been around for millions of years as an evolutionary strategy. Not all fear is bad – some fear can be beneficial at times. Yet when excess terror presents itself, it becomes time to fix the root of fear. The Mimulus flower remedy is a powerful aid in curbing unwanted fear. It has the ability to bring us out of a primitive fear-based mindset, and into a more advanced and spiritual existence of serenity.



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Healing Properties: Monkeyflower flower essence goes straight to the root of subconscious fears. This essence helps to heal us from unwanted and repressed issues – problems that were buried long ago, and no longer on the surface of conscious awareness. Sexual hang-ups are often the result of repressed fears. The Monkeyflower flower remedy does wonders in bringing these problems to the surface of our thoughts so that we may better learn how to cope with them. This essence will help to ease old pain.

Monkeyflower is also found in: Intimacy Blend

Brassica rapa


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Healing Properties: Mustard flower essence is the remedy to depression and darkness. Despair can occur for any number of reasons in our lives. Sorrow can easily turn into depression if we do not take proper care of ourselves when we are feeling hurt or sad. If a stretch of sadness moves from several days into several weeks, it is likely that you are experiencing a bout of depression. Bring the happiness back into your life with the Mustard flower remedy. Feel joy with this essence – experience life as though you were newly born, fresh from the womb.

Mustard is also found in: Brighten Your Day Blend

Arbutus menziesii

Pacific Madrone

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Healing Properties: The Pacific Madrone essence embodies a fullness and abundance that relates to the physical body. It assists those who have been unable to receive love from early childhood due to mothering issues. The essence helps those who have issues with self image and the physical body, assisting those who refuse nourishment through excessive dieting or denial of food. It’s a warming essence for those who experienced an absence of physical warmth in early childhood.

Viola Wittrockiana


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Healing Properties: The Pansy has been called “Herb Trinity” because it has three colors in one flower. The shape of the pansy leads the Devonshire folk to call it “Heart-Pansy,” as well as Heart’s-ease, or Heart seed. The name means “thought” on which Louis XV of France is said to have name his physician after the name. Pansy is an immune builder as it draws out from within the individual the purest quality of heart and mind. As a flower essence, pansy helps us to ‘face’ the world, thereby, strengthening our courage to share our beauty with the world. The flower essence of pansy clears negative thoughts and opens the heart chakra.

Phlox Diffusa


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Healing Properties: Phlox covers the earth with sweet adorning flowers that cling to the mossy ground like a welcoming carpet to the birds and the bees. As a flower essence, phlox brings peace and softens aggression. It is a sweet drink to the soul, embracing and cloaking one with calming influences. It is a wonderful essence to take when one’s environment is challenged with tension or when one needs a gentle sleeping tonic.

Passiflora incarnata

Passion Flower

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Healing Properties: Passion Flower healing remedy seeks to purify the kundalini forces, strengthening one’s connection to unconditional love. Passion Flower Flower Essence helps us understand the deepest possible meaning of our own personal suffering, after which it assists in the ascent to our truest calling of service on the planet. It seeks to purify the kundalini forces which coil upward around the spine, strengthening one’s connection to selfless service and unconditional love, as well as drawing one closer to angelic messengers and galactical star patterns. Passion Flower, flower remedy draws one close to the force of forgiveness and sets one free from the feeling of condemnation or a feeling of having been “crucified’ in this life, or, a past life.

Pinus sylvestris


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Healing Properties: Pine flower essence encourages freedom from all forms of self-inflicted limitations. This essence encourages one to move forward rather than stay entangled in self-deprecation and emotional paralysis. Pine flower remedy teaches self-acceptance and inner esteem as a pathway to the soul’s realization of it’s own sacredness and divinity. This essence is an excellent remedy for all issues regarding shame, guilt, or judgment.

Pinus ponderosa

Ponderosa Pine

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Healing Properties: Ponderosa Pine serves to cleanse the soul and personality of shame, guilt, judgment, and criticism. These maladies of the soul may arise from current life situations, past actions and situations, or from past life memories that are coming to the surface. There are times when the individual finds little rational reason for these feelings and suffer dearly. Those in need of pine will suffer from judgment, guilt, and shame whether it is rational or not. The soul force is in need of a auric cleanse as well as emotional support. Pine is a cleanser of the soul.

Crocus tomasinianus

Purple Crocus

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Healing Properties: Purple Crocus flower essence enhances our ability to attune with all aspects of pain and grief and to release the tension and restriction around these experiences. This flower remedy helps us to feel the energy of loss and grief with acceptance and surrender. This flower, when lit by the sunlight, resembles the shape and look of the human lung. We hold our grief in the lung meridian and in time, if we do not resolve our deep grief, we may acquire lung disorders and asthmatic conditions. This essence helps to clear those conditions on the physical level.

Purple Crocus is also found in: Purification of Emotion


Red iFulva Bayou Iris

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Healing Properties: The iFulva promotes a deep connection between the watery soul forces and the temporal qualities of the earth. Its petals, which droop toward the earth, call forth the vital grounding forces of embodiment. The flower aligns one’s physical embodiment, or first chakra, with the emotional body, encouraging stabilization, longevity and creative rejuvenation.(Previously labeled as Rainbow Passion Louisiana Iris Flower Essence.)

Red iFulva Bayou Iris is also found in: Iris Heaven Blend, and Venus Activation Blend



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Healing Properties: The positive Snapdragon flower essence type possesses strong physical presence. Such persons are highly energetic, with powerful wills and libidos. In some cases, these energies are so pronounced that they may override the other chakras of the body. In other instances, these forces may have been culturally repressed, causing the energy to be improperly released elsewhere in the body. With both these patterns of imbalance, the individual will misdirect digestive and sexual forces which rightly belong in the lower energy centers, distorting them through expression in the communication center. The spoken word is misused in a harsh or destructive way, with the tendency towards biting sarcasm of lashing criticism. There can be extreme tension in the jaw and mouth, grinding of the teeth, or the need to eat foods which provide continuous biting, crunching, and chewing activity. Snapdragon flower remedy helps such persons to re-direct their powerful metabolic and sexual energy into its rightful channels. At its deepest level, the Snapdragon flower essence helps the soul to distinguish its use of creative forces-especially those which radiate from the lower energy centers, and those which are used for spoken word. By harmonizing the relationship between these energy centers, the soul evolves in its use of creative power.

Snapdragon is also found in: Arise and Awaken Blend


Sophie’s Rose

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Healing Properties: This gentle pink rose grows abundantly throughout the spring and summer. It’s delicate and sweet baby buds reflect the way of gentle unfolding and tender love. The rose bush was planted in my garden by my good friend at the birth of my third daughter and has been an adored adornment in our garden ever since. This remedy endows one’s heart with the delicate virtues of the heart. It is very healing.

Sophie's Rose is found in: A Child's Blend


Sweet Pea

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Healing Properties: Sweat Pea flower essence is excellent for the earth dweller who does not feel completely at home on Earth. It helps one to harmonize with a broader spectrum of society so that they may find the unique gifts they have to share with the world. This flower remedy is perfect for those individuals who have tender souls, creative gifts, and sweet characteristics, but find it difficult to feel accepted by others. Sweet Pea helps us all to find the beauty of our own special talents and services.

Trillium Oratum


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Healing Properties: The essence of Trillium offers the virtues of balance between the material plane and the spiritual plane. It assists one in understanding the bounty of love, abundance, and earthly pleasures by way of its three petaled shape which reflects the Trinity, and the lore of the feminine. The bulb of this flower was once made into a powder and rubbed on the body as a ‘love medicine.’ When the heart is opened Trillium will align the individual’s energy toward abundance and goodwill for all. Those who have a fear regarding money or acquiring monetary gain or loss will do well to take the Trillium essence.

Erysimum Asperum

Wall Flower

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Healing Properties: On the mountain slopes, Wall Flower’s bright yellow glow is seen in little splashes here and there. Often standing alone, one can see how the term, “Wall Flower” was associated with those who stand in the background of a social event, not feeling as thought they can join in. Wall Flower assists those who feel alone, shy, lonely, or unable to meet the social protocol of a party, social event, dance, or any group activity. Its yellow hue connects to the solar plexus, or third chakra, and brightens one's inner hope and courage along with a new found Self Will.

Wall Flower is also found in: Meadow Blend

Crocus Vernus albiflorus

White Crocus

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Healing Properties: White Crocus washes clean the emotions and serves as a purification process helping the individual overcome grief. This essence offers a ‘sanctuary of light’ within the soul, working to dissolve the darkened corners of grief and loss that have become hardened or stagnated with time. The purity of the white crocus essence offers clarity and the purification of emotion.

It helps those who have become pale, shy, or withdrawn due to the grief and overwhelm of emotion.


White Magnolia

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Healing Properties: White Magnolia flower essence is used during a healing crisis, moderating the aggravation of symptoms that often happen when healing takes place. It regulates the strength of the healing energy provided by the flower remedy mix to the optimum level and stabilizes protection from the outside energies, including X-rays, negative states of consciousness, and all forms of radiation.

Isha found these points repeated in many descriptions: Key Points: • For developing insight and understanding for issues one is struggling with; • Helps one deepen spiritual awareness; • Helps spiritually minded people with balance and integrity. A beautiful connection to The Mother of Auorbindo and the Magdalena energies are realized through the signature of the White Magnolia. SRI AUROBINDO ON THE MOTHER “The lights are the Mother's Powers -- many in number. The white light is her own characteristic power, that of the Divine Consciousness in its essence.”

White Magnolia is also found in: Purificatoin of Emotion

Galanthus nivalis

White Snow Drops

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Healing Properties: The delicate White Snow Drop ushers in the first sign of spring, pushing its stalk through the melting snow. The humble blossom bows to the earth bestowing the signature of gratitude, humility, and grace. This essence is used when in need of renewal, tender hope, and release from the hardened aspects of the past. The flower remedy opens the heart to nature and flowers. It is a wonderful essence to use when in crisis; and when the individual must push thought an obstacle without struggle.

Viola pubescens eriocarpa

Yellow Violet

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Healing Properties: Yellow Violet, like our Purple Violet, is a beautiful essence that draws out the Divine Feminine within individuals. It assists women to become open to the true gifts they have to offer and to become willing to be seen in the world. It opens the crown chakra so that one may access the wisdom of this energy in a humble manner.

The Yellow Violet offers the same lovely essence of humility as it works gently through the solar plexus, or the third chakra, to help boost self-image, courage, and self-confidence for those who are shy and introverted. This special flower essence is wonderful for teens in the pubescence stage of life. The essence strengthens and encourages the blossoming of a new identity while opening the heart, enabling the individual to participate on a social level.

Newest Organic Single Essences

Black Eyed Susan

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Black Eyed Susan flower remedy allows old habits and well worn emotions to meet the light of transformation. The bright yellow halo of blossoms surrounding the dark inner core represent the golden protection and strength given to the solar plexis as one releases old habits and negative behaviors. The sunny yellow flowers that surround the darkened core mirror our potential toward our own Self Aware Universe.


Blue Jade

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Blue Jade Flower Essence is an exotic flower of the pea and bean family. Pea family essences help the individual to integrate into society, family, and social events. Group consciousness is emphasized. The Blue Jade Flower assists those who feel very different in the world although they carry exquisite beautiful energy. They may have felt as if they were the ‘black sheep’ of the family, and Blue Jade Flower helps them recognize their unique gifts.



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Bougainvillea Flower Essence helps us to adapt to all circumstances, which may require an infusion of joy and hope amidst the challenges of life. The plant reveals a tiny white flower surrounded by brightly colored leaves, often mistaken for the flower itself. This tiny white flower mirrors an innocent beauty of the soul, which may be in need of uplifting inspirations and colorful possibilities. Its essence is JOY: a joy that is found nestled within the many-layered bounty of our complications.



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Daffodil Flower Essence has a positive effect on those who are in need of a boost of happiness and light. It acts like the rainbow at the end of the tunnel. One of the first signs of spring, the Daffodil serves as a radiant sign of hope. It is especially useful for the individual who is transitioning from crisis or darker times of transition.


Grape Hyacinth

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Grape Hyacinth Flower Essence carries a quality of group communication and networking. The flower essence knits a fabric of equality within the soul force, inviting the individual to examine the interior of belonging. When he or she feels excluded or abandoned, be it through crisis or self-defeating behaviors, Grape Hyacinth latches the soul onto a greater template of worth. This essence addresses personal crisis, especially when feeling despair or being out of touch with others.


Oregon Grape

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Oregon Grape Flower Essence serves the soul with an inclusive infusion of group consciousness and positive support for community endeavors. It helps the individual sweep away negative projections, allowing an objective view of oneself rather than an idea of what others may think of them.


Parakeet Flower

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Parakeet Flower remedy heals the imprint of harshness for those who have been verbally abused and are sensitive to the negative influences of society. This essence is excellent for those who are deeply affected by the sharp edges of world events and media. Its essence offers protection from unwanted mental influences.


Pink Yarrow

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Pink Yarrow flower essence helps one establish proper boundaries with the world, be it the work environment, family integration, or personal relationships. The flower grows at the border of gardens, and its pink floral protection activates the heart chakra, granting divine love and acceptance while offering protection against the infusion of interrupted energies.



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Plumeria Flower Essence offers balance between forces of light and dark. Its scent is most fragrant under the moon. The remedy assists those who must establish balance between an overly active constitution and stagnation. Plumeria assists with dreamtime, sleep, and protects one from the invasion of nighttime fears. It enhances prayer, meditation, and rest.


Purple Crown

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Purple Crown Flower essence activates Royal aspects of Divine Worth. Also known as ‘pua kalaunu’ in Hawaii, the flower originates from India where it was planted in the compounds of Temples. It was a favorite lei flower of Queen Liliuokalani who was the last monarch of Hawaii. It’s amazing that this plant attracts Monarch butterflies, offering a home for prolific breeding. Use this essence to attract a ‘butterfly’ consciousness; one of transforming and transcendent possibilities. Crown your life with royal love.


Red Ginger

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Red Ginger flower essence serves as an energetic tonic to the root chakra and the sacred center of sexual passion, life force, and fertility. Preferring a moist terrain, Red Ginger essence opens a subtle force of sublime connection with source. At the top of a Red Ginger plume, a luminous white flower blossoms during the height of its growth pattern. This same opening occurs within the individual when the light of purification crowns the sensuality of the human body. Red Ginger enhances sexual individuality and the freedom to explore the terrain of true passions and creativity.


Shasta Daisy

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Shasta Lily Flower Essence invokes the soul grace of the Divine Feminine, rendering internal strength and alignment with aspects of Her expression. Integration of feminine and masculine countenance offers an awakened spectrum of wholeness. The luminous bloom of Shasta Lily (feminine) is most prolific when gracing the landscape of mountain regions (masculine). It is a beautiful essence for dancers, those who wish to reconcile a union with the feminine, and for all who are entranced by beauty.



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Weigela Flower Remedy helps to integrate speech patterns with emotional expression. Bursting with joyous light, Weigela broadens our ability to understand and trust our ability to speak from the feeling realm.


White Crown

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White Crown Flower, like Purple Crown Flower, activates Royal aspects of ‘Self Worth,” however, the white purity of its color offers an aspect of transformation. The plant attracts the pollination of the Monarch Butterfly, and in Hindu and Indian Mythology, the white butterfly represents a Transcendent Mind and transformation. Use this essence when opening the channels of Self Worth beyond the limitations of personal gain. This essence offers a tonic to inspire the activation of spiritual wisdom.

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Single Flower Cards or Single Flower Other essences are $14.65 ea. Silversword 1 oz is $25.25.

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