Light Frequency Intro.

Ian White sees the Light Frequency Essences as being pivotal in the transition from the old dynamic to the new. In all there are seven Light Frequency Essences; having moved through the two sets of two they come together in unity, in wholeness in the final next three – basically the trinity, the completion.

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Light Frequency Essences

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Antarctic Essence

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Allows you to feel tremendous calm, peace and stillness within yourself.
• Enables you to be aware of and enhances your vision of what is necessary and essential in your life.
• Helps reveal and dissolve very deep and hidden aspects of yourself.
• Connects one to both the Wisdom of the Ancients and your ancient past.
• To trust Spirit and the unfolding of your life and its direction.
• Assists you to find your own core, pure essence.

This Spiritual Essence was prepared in the pristine environment of Antarctica, which entailed five days of sailing across the Drake Passage, one of the roughest and most treacherous bodies of water in the world.
Glacial Icebergs over 20,000 years old were the source of the water I used to prepare this Essence. Whilst making the Antarctic Essence I entered a deep state of peace and tranquility, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, as I was overtaken by the deafening silence, extraordinary calm, quietude and intensity of the Elements and Nature present there. Antarctica is an amazing place. I felt great gratitude and extremely privileged both being there and making and bringing into the world the Antarctic Essence.
---Much Love, Light and Respect, Ian

The Antarctic Essence allows you to be aware of what is really necessary in your life and in the situations that you are encountering. It enables you to feel tremendous calm, peace and stillness within yourself. This Essence releases those things that are not essential to you and that take you away from your inner peace and being at one with nature. The purity of Antarctica and the Antarctic Essence assists you to find your own pure essence - the very core of yourself - and to let go of whatever takes you from this timeless, clear-centred part of yourself. It allows you to go deeply into things and not get distracted; to see the core of things and what's important. If you are too distracted it will help to pull you back into harmony.

Another key aspect of the Antarctic Essence is that it will reveal to you aspects of yourself that are very deep and hidden - what are referred to sometimes as 'old dark crystals'. This Essence will bring the light to them and dissolve these old patterns and beliefs (which may have been formed in ancient times or may be early beliefs developed this lifetime). Their dissolution will support you to trust Spirit, to trust your path and to show you the necessary new steps.

The Antarctic Essence can also help you to connect to the wisdom of the Ancients as well as your own ancient past and the communication of anything needed from that time.

It enables you to find the patience to be very still. This will lead you to trust in the unfolding of your life and its direction with openness to these new revelations and willingness to seek and follow them, even when dealing with major change.

There's a deep stillness that can come with trust in life, nature and God, which when achieved will help you find your own peace and stillness, and allow you to be able to stay in this state more readily. This Essence can help in the clarity of both your vision for what is necessary and essential in your life, as well as your communication of it.

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Arctic Essence

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The Arctic Essence is basically about freeing the pure undiluted light potential of the individual. It both brings in and releases pure light energy within the individual – energy which has been held in suspension, waiting to be activated. Most of us have aspects of our spiritual dimension locked away, basically being held in suspension. What is suspended is not of the physical or Earth, it is of Light. The Arctic Essence allows the thawing and release of our suspended Light. This increases our spiritual awareness, which in turn will raise the Light of the planet.

By releasing this Light, the individual is also changing and bringing into balance their own electro-magnetic frequency, allowing them to stay in resonance and harmony with all the Earth’s changes.

As we move closer to 2012, we are likely to see further implications of the energy transformations in the Earth, and a great number of people will experience feeling slightly out of kilter, that something is missing, and that they want to be reconnected. They are going to feel uncomfortable with this new energy – many are already experiencing this! Others will be swept along with the shift in energy and are going to feel degrees of alienation and separation.

The Arctic Essence will help people to release these feelings and allow them to resonate specifically to this shift in the electro-magnetic energy field. The remedy will activate the Light, which has been held in suspension within them.

Before working with the Arctic Essence I recommend taking the Antarctic Essence. Both these Essences contain the element of suspension but the Antarctic holds suspension in matter and has a connection to both the Earth and the Light. The Antarctic Essence. is a bridge between the physical and the new Light Energy, which was why it was necessary to make this Essence before the Arctic Essence. The Arctic Essence holds suspension in Light alone. That is the difference.

The Antarctic Essence is for letting go of things that stop you finding and following your path. It allows you to discover what is essential and necessary in your life. In other words, letting go of what doesn’t matter – suspension in matter.

In contrast, the Arctic Essence is releasing the Light potential within, which does matter. This Light potential is of supreme significance as part of the soul’s evolution and as part of the planetary being’s evolution.

The Arctic Essence is also specific in addressing separation, whether that is separation from self, someone or something. It is a remedy for healing the separation – emotional, physical or spiritual, not the specific outcome of that separation. Where there is separation, there is also congealed energy. This is energy held in suspension; it’s not going anywhere, it’s not achieving anything. It’s stuck. This remedy is excellent, for example, when you are separated from your physical roots. It helps where you have to leave or you can no longer exist in that place of your heritage that feeds you, crowns you and anchors you. This may not necessarily be due to man’s intervention; it can come from Nature also, through earthquakes, flood and droughts.

The Antarctic Essence brings the presence of nature to you and also deep peace, and touches you at a very deep soul level. The Arctic Essence brings you back to the earliest time when you first had that peace. It takes you to the depth and purity of your soul in this incarnation, to feel the purity of the Earth and yourself – back to the very beginning, when we arrived with a clean slate.

Arctic Essence can repair and return the soul to a state of innocence, helping you to hear the voice of reason and purity and assisting you to see your negative aspects. It is then easy to see what needs to be done to rectify the way ahead. Glaciers grind obstacles in their way, pulverising the impurities and bringing the debris to the surface as very fine particles. This Essence shows you what you need to come alive, to flow, and to be joyous and light. It motivates you to return to this state again. You may not always receive a conscious answer but your soul will know and your intuition will then guide you.

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Amazon Essence

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The Amazon Essence is available in Stock strength and comes in an individual pyramid pack that has been carefully developed to embrace and protect the beauty and potency of this wonderful Essence

  • Helps you to be aware of, tune into, understand and prepare for the immensity and totality of the massive changes that are happening in nature.
  • Strengthens our connection to the Elementals and the natural world.
  • Enlists new ways for our senses to perceive afresh, enabling us to comprehend, interpret and align to all the new energies being released.
  • Assist you to read and speak the language of nature.
  • Allows one to access a doorway to consciousness that is beyond matter.
  • Enables you to flow more easily through life, to be effective and active but not attached, building up your aura of love and acceptance.
  • Anchors the divine feminine and masculine within us. The Amazon Essence is a pivotal transformational remedy easing one from the old dynamic to the new and connecting us back to the energy and wisdom of Gaia.

One of the main aspects of the Amazon Essence is its ability to help you to be aware of, tune into and prepare for the immensity and the totality of the massive changes that are happening in nature. The Amazon Essence is helping to activate our brain to function in new ways and for our senses to perceive afresh, enabling us to comprehend and interpret all the old, primordial energies being unleashed and coming up from the rocks, the water, the trees and from deep within the Earth. This remedy enables us to re-align to these very strong energies which are very different to what we are used to as they are a link back to the time before humans, before life. Now is also the time for sacred sites and portals on the Earth, which have been closed down for a long time, to open and be released, along with a releasing of the very ancient beings' memories that have been held in nature. This is liberating a great deal of stored knowledge, energy and information as Gaia is releasing the next level of wisdom. This is what the new children are tapping into and will bring through as well. The Amazon Essence assists us to read and speak this new language of nature. Ever since the Atlantean time the Elemental Kingdom has been withdrawn from humanity, resulting in very little energetic connection, at a conscious level, with humanity. This has been a missing link in a natural cycle of the Earth. Gaia is now once again allowing the elemental energies to be felt, heard and sometimes even seen. She is giving us stimulation to bring our focus back towards nature. The Amazon Essence strengthens our connection to the Elementals and the natural world. The Amazon Essence allows one to access a doorway to consciousness that is beyond matter, to be in the world but not of the world. When you go beyond matter then you step into the expansion of all that is, you can feel it, be activated by it and hold it, all of which expands your own light. This Essence can aid a person move through the dimensions but not be attached to the dimensions of matter. It allows you to flow more easily through life, to be effective and active but not attached on the emotional or mental level to the appearance of what is, but rather, to understand the significance of what is. In this state one builds up an aura of love and acceptance and this is where humanity is moving towards. The Amazon Essence anchors within us the divine feminine, bringing in the stillness and calmness, and the divine masculine, which is the celebration of life itself, the joy, vitality and enthusiasm of being alive. This remedy activates the built-in will to appreciate, respect and protect all life; to live in community with the benefit of all in mind. This Essence can be particularly effective to help you work constructively and creatively to bring about environmental balance and harmony, connecting us back to the energy and wisdom of Gaia.

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China Essence

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The China Essence, the latest in the Light Frequency Essence range, was made in the grounds of the Lingyin Buddhist Temple (Temple of the Soul’s Retreat) in Hangzhou on 8 November 2008. Hangzhou is one of eight former capitals of China and its history can be traced back 8000 years, with a rich silk and tea culture that is over 5000 years old. In 1290, Marco Polo visited Hangzhou and was so overwhelmed by the beauty of its West Lake, the city’s most prominent feature, that he wrote, ’In Heaven there is Paradise, on Earth there is Hangzhou.’ Many Chinese people today refer to this city as Paradise on Earth and it certainly provides a lovely alternative to the noise and congestion of Shanghai and other large, busy and polluted Chinese cities.

The China Essence is available in Stock strength and comes in an individual pyramid pack that has been carefully developed to embrace and protect the beauty and potency of this wonderful Essence.

  • Restores balance back into your life between the busy-ness of the world and the deep stillness of contemplation within yourself
  • Brings the gift of feeling peaceful and calm
  • Helps you deal with karmic overload in this life allowing you to forgive yourself, which will help let go of guilt and karma
  • Allows you to tap deep within your psyche into your inner knowing, which leads to a trust in the grand cosmic scheme of things and a sense that all is right in the world
  • Strengthens your connection to Nature and the Earth

The China Essence addresses not only the massive destruction, degradation and the pollution of the environment that is occurring in China, but also the cultural pollution – the loss of the old cultural ways, of the ancestry and the lineages. There is also the loss of the connection with Spirit and disconnection from the land, as so many Chinese are taken away from their land and their ancestral roots. There is a deep sadness in the Earth in China. These problems are particularly extreme in China but prevalent throughout all cultures.

This Essence is a heart-opening remedy that can heal, on a deep soul level, your own grief arising from this loss of connection that is held in the collective consciousness.

China traditionally is a country of great peace and it best represents the divine feminine energy which has a profound stillness to it that is literally beyond matter, but it has been overlaid with layers of conquest, of endurance, and now the current layer of materialism and busy-ness. This Essence helps you to attain peace and calm, aligns you back to the feminine spirituality of the Earth and strengthens your connection to Spirit.

We come into balance when both the divine feminine and masculine are present. When the divine feminine is absent, humanity loses its connection to the natural rhythms of life and the divine masculine cannot hold the balance. Without the peace and stillness of one, the other becomes more active, busier – dashing all over the place creating anything and everything trying to make up for what is missing and so both are lost.

The frequency of the Earth is changing. Consequently many people are now feeling that they can’t keep up and that they are pressured beyond belief, as if it is all too much. This is only likely to intensify as time goes on, especially for those who have a karma that requires them to claim old pain and suffering. The China Essence is a balm for anxious souls and will also help these people forgive themselves, which will help them let go of guilt and karma. Karma is an attitude that can be melted and evaporated with real love.

Just as the Antarctic and Arctic Essences work hand in hand, so too do the Amazon and China Essences.The Arctic Essence took you out of matter but not beyond it. In contrast, both the Amazon and China Essences take you beyond matter, basically showing you how to be in the world but not of the world. It means that these Essences facilitate a flow through life.They help you to be effective and active, without attachment at an emotional or a mental level to the appearance of what is.

Both the Amazon and China Essences anchor the divine masculine and feminine as equal halves of a whole but without gender, so there is respect, there is balance, there is harmony and there is union.That is what these two remedies are about: engendering respect, balance, harmony and union at very deep levels.These two Essences help strengthen our connection to Nature and the Earth. The effect of one Essence is enhanced by the taking of the other.

Both the Amazon and China Essences integrate the divine masculine and feminine. As mentioned in the last newsletter, the feminine brings the stillness and calmness that activates the ability to live in harmony.The masculine activates the joy of being alive simply for the fact of what life is – the flame, the enthusiasm, the vitality beyond the trappings, beyond the conditions. It activates the celebration of life itself.

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Lake Baikal Essence

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  • Engenders faith and trust in life and a calmness and acceptance of unfolding change.
  • Connects you to the stillness of your heart and to a source of pure oneness with the Divine.
  • Helps you to be in the world but not of it, and to be less influenced by mass consciousness.
  • Develops a level of understanding and deeper opening of the heart.
  • Accelerates understanding and opening to the new energies of unity, co-operation and co-creation around you.
  • Assists you in finding a balance between the divine masculine and feminine within yourself.
  • Restores your sense of self, purpose and joy.
  • Allows for extremely deep inner healing.

The Lake Baikal Essence allows you to access pure uncorrupted peacefulness and pure 'at onement'.

The remedy, by capturing the pristine, energetic essence of Baikal engenders faith and trust in life and a calmness and acceptance of unfolding change. This Essence is timely as it can accelerate understanding and opening to the new energies of unity, global oneness, balance and harmony – all of which will greatly help us with the changes that are starting to happen around us on all levels. It is very important if you want to move smoothly through any upcoming changes that you start to really spiritually nurture yourself and open to a deeper level particularly within your heart center, which this Essence will assist in.

The Lake Baikal Essence helps one to find and balance the Divine masculine and feminine within themselves. The male emotional body has, over time, become compressed and non-elastic. Basically the mental body took over in order for men to feel 'in control'. With this emotional suppression has come violence, sexual perversion and heart dis-ease.

This Essence can connect a man to his intuitive power and help him to feel and express emotions without him becoming feminine.

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The Madagascar Essence is available in Stock strength and comes in an individual pyramid pack that has been carefully developed to embrace and protect the beauty and potency of this wonderful Essence.

• Allows you to detach from mass consciousness and its predilections for disease. • Helps you find the freedom to choose whatever you want to without conditioning. • Creates a sacred inner space of peace, harmony and balance. • Clears the lower three chakras enabling an easier transfer of energy to the higher chakras, thereby assisting you to become at one with your divine essence. • Enables you to focus on essentials, make sense of your life and thus know exactly what to do. • Removes alienation, not only from each other but also from animals and the land, replacing this with a connected gentleness and harmony.

• Activates the highest possibility of every aspect of you.

The most important healing quality of the Madagascar Essence is its potential for the eradication of disease and the removal of limiting beliefs around our health and wellbeing that we absorb from mass consciousness. Examples of this is the conditioning and belief that as we get older our minds and bodies will deteriorate and that we only have 70 years of life, the three score and ten syndrome. These have become concrete limitations firmly embedded in mass consciousness. Humanity has forgotten, and needs to be reminded, that living 70 years is only half of man’s natural life cycle.

Everyone is influenced by and part of mass consciousness as soon as they incarnate. Disease, whether physical, emotional or mental, occurs as a result of incarnating into the mass consciousness of humanity. Our thoughts, emotional responses and beliefs, all of which can create disease, are primarily coming from and/or greatly influenced by our connection to mass consciousness.

Humanity veered away from the original blueprint of being in balance and harmony with nature, animals and other people, and instead created disease, alienation, mass consciousness and being out of balance.
There are many methods of healing specific illnesses, but before any method can be totally successful there has to be the eradication of the predilection for disease. The Madagascar Essence will not cure every disease; it is curing the predilection for disease. You would then use another remedy for whatever the specific energetic situation is that needs rebalancing or realigning.

If a person has removed themselves from the predilection for illness, they can put themselves right back into it if they are involved with an organisation, philosophy or religion which is full of rigid dogma that tells them how to think and behave, and discourages questioning, learning and exploration.

Removing the predilection for disease creates a sacred inner space of peace, harmony and balance, giving you a perfect state of alignment from which all things are possible so you can choose whatever you want to, without conditioning. This removal clears the lower three chakras enabling an easier transfer of energy to the higher chakras. This will assist you to become at one with your divine essence and activate the highest possibility of every aspect of you.

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Mt. Pinatubo

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Mt. Pinatubo Essence is available in Stock strength and comes in an individual pyramid pack that has been carefully developed to embrace and protect the beauty and potency of this wonderful Essence.

  • Heightens your intuition to the inner pulsing of the Earth and future events so you know where you should be and what is safe
  • Allows you to be grounded and in the centre of your power Assists you in aligning to and coming into the flow of the cosmic forces
  • Allows you to drop the mask of conformity, and to reveal who you truly are, your true loving "I Am" state
  • Anchors into your being the unique quality that you came here to be
  • Helps you on your journey from innocence to wisdom enabling you to rise to your highest frequency
  • Allows you to detach from mass consciousness and its predilections for disease.


The Light Frequency Essences are each available in 10 ml dropper bottles for $44.95. The complete set in the Pyramid Pack is $319.95. 

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