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Questionnaire for Pet's Needs

(now known as Spirit-in-Nature Essences / SiNE)

This questionnaire can help broaden your perspective and invite you into the world of the animals you love.  Because animals live in their feelings and instincts, they are highly receptive to flower essences — herbal tinctures for strength and balance.

Many people find that an evaluation of this nature is a helpful tool in assessing the flower essence needs of their animal friends.  Some of the questions are species-specific, such as litterbox problems; others are more general, as with loneliness.  The emotional state of fear, for example, is the same for a horse as for a hamster, so species or breed specifics are often irrelevant.  In addition to the questions below, it is important to consider other factors, such as natural instincts; the influence of other pets, adults, and children in the household/property; owner-created problems; appropriate training; diet, exercise, and various health-related factors; and most important, the presence of a loving, committed caregiver.  Last, always rule out medical causes with veterinary care.

Answer the following questions fairly quickly; your “first hunch” will generally be the most accurate. Place a check mark by those statements to which you respond with yes; leave blank those statements you feel do not apply to your pet or are not a particular area of concern at this time. An Answer Key will be found at the end of the questionnaire.

Also, please note that flower essences will not control or manipulate your pet's behavior.  If you want her to be more graceful, for example, a flower essence program will bring forth this quality only if it is in her nature to be so. Nor do flower essences directly treat physical symptoms; thus, the following questionnaire addresses the animal's emotional needs.

You may wish to date and save your responses and re-test your pet; monthly intervals are recommended. We welcome your feedback on the overall helpfulness of this questionnaire.

Questionnaire for People available here.

___ 1. Does your pet exhibit nervous, frenetic, or obsessive behavior, i.e., does he over-groom, overeat, or overdo in any way?

___ 2. Does he need to adapt better to a domesticated lifestyle?

___ 3. Is he presently kept indoors after previously (by you or a past owner) being allowed to roam freely outdoors?

___ 4. Does your pet have chronic health problems or specific infirmities to which he needs to adjust?

___ 5. Do you suspect that he has picked up health-related fear, worry, or doubt from others in your household?

___ 6. Is he the runt of the litter?

___ 7. Are some of his behaviors unhealthy or not in his best interest?

___ 8. Is your pet dreamy, unresponsive, or generally disinterested?

___ 9. Are you working with him on training for specific behaviors?

___ 10. Does he fail to come home or respond when you call him?

___ 11. Is he a slow learner?

___ 12. Does your pet get easily upset or riled for no apparent reason?

___ 13. Does he tend to bully other household members, or does he need to be easier to live with?

___ 14. Objectively speaking, do you think it would benefit him if his already gentle and sensitive personality were reinforced?

___ 15. Is he unable to groom or care for himself due to illness or old age?

___ 16. Are members of your home prone to negative attitudes or emotions, or does your pet himself exhibit negative behaviors?

___ 17. Has he been exposed to harmful chemicals?  (Please note that medical attention may be necessary.)

___ 18. Is there an area of your home that has been soiled or sprayed?  (This essence works well in a misting bottle sprayed in that area.)

___ 19. Is your pet often bad-tempered or prone to moods, or to picking up the moods of other members in the household?

___ 20. Does he often appear cheerless?

___ 21. Although many animal lovers pamper their pets, does your pet express being "spoiled rotten" through negative or difficult behaviors?

___ 22. Does he overstep boundaries even after loving, consistent training?

___ 23. Is your pet coping with a particular painful physical infirmity?

___ 24. Is he aging and dealing with limited movement or range of physical abilities, or is he recovering from a surgery or accident?

___ 25. Are you or other household members experiencing difficulties that might be affecting your pet?

___ 26. Have there been any recent major changes in your pet's living situation, or has he recently joined your family?

___ 27. Is he sluggish or disinterested in his environment and those with whom he shares it?

___ 28. Is he an older animal?

___ 29. Is your pet touchy or irritable, or does he seem to have a lot of "off days"? (It is important to rule out medical causes.)

___ 30. Does he pick on other pets in the household, or does he generally not get along well with other animals or people in the home/property?

___ 31. Is "unfriendly" a word that others use to describe his temperament?

___ 32. Has your pet received inconsistent training, or has he been trained one way by a previous owner and now receives different training from you?

___ 33. Does he exhibit bad habits that you would like to retrain?

___ 34. Is he overly dissatisfied with his food (barring a natural expression of likes and dislikes)?

___ 35. Does he have a history of many changes in homes or ownership?

___ 36. Has he lost a household companion, either human or animal, to death or relocation, or have your pet's babies recently been taken away?

___ 37. Is your pet excessively aloof and unapproachable by nature?

___ 38. Does he seem clingy or needy, or is he prone to whining or crying for no apparent reason?

___ 39. Is he left alone for long periods of time without companionship, including while you are gone for the day or on vacation?

___ 40. Is his behavior either bullying or jealous (that may be expressed as soiling), or inappropriately territorial (possibly marking)?

___ 41. Do you know of, or suspect, cruelty or neglect from a previous owner?

___ 42. Is your pet's behavior potentially dangerous to other animals or people?

___ 43. Is your pet nervous or restless by nature, or is he typically agitated by newcomers to the household?

___ 44. Does he express what looks like anger for no apparent reason?

___ 45. Is he young with a short attention span, or does "bounding off the walls" describe his temperament?

___ 46. Has your pet just given birth?

___ 47. Is there a member in the household who is dealing with depression, or does your pet himself seem listless or despairing?

___ 48. Has he been abused or treated badly by a previous owner?

___ 49. Is he kept indoors after previously being able to roam freely outdoors?

___ 50. Has he been declawed, debarked, or otherwise altered (excluding neutering)?

___ 51. Has he lost animal or human companions to separation or death?

___ 52. Is he dealing with a terminal or debilitating illness, or is he expressing an impaired ability to move around?

___ 53. Is your pet overly demonstrative?

___ 54. Was he weaned too early, or does he chew or suckle objects of clothing or other animals?

___ 55. Does he need to get along better with other pets in the household?

___ 56. Have your pet's babies recently been given away?

___ 57. Is your pet recovering from an accident, illness, or surgery, or about to undergo a medical procedure?

___ 58. Have you acquired an animal with an unknown history?

___ 59. Has he been traumatized or injured, either physically or emotionally, or has he undergone a crisis, or expressed panic, anxiety, or disorientation?

___ 60. Has he experienced a significant upset in his normal routine?

___ 61. Does he need to be left overnight at the veterinary hospital or boarded away from home?

___ 62. Has he been attacked by other animals?

___ 63. Does he need to be transported by car or other forms of travel?

___ 64. Does he bite in ways other than playful?

___ 65. Is your pet in a time of transition, such as giving birth or nearing the time of passing?

___ 66. Does your pet seem to require excessive praise or need a stronger sense of his own identity, especially in a multiple-pet or -person household?

___ 67. Does your pet come from a kennel, shelter, or foster home, or a series of different living situations?

___ 68. Has he been in shows, competitions, or county fairs, or are you preparing him for these activities?

___ 69. Is he an older animal who, after being in the limelight of shows or having a specific job on the property, is no longer suited for those roles?

___ 70. Is he the runt of the litter?

___ 71. Has your pet been harshly disciplined and seeming emotionally wounded as a result?

___ 72. Is there any reason for which he may feel slighted, unappreciated, offended, or somehow replaced?

___ 73. Is he receiving less attention than usual due to factors in the household, such as a new relationship or the arrival of new pets or babies?

___ 74. Is he exhibiting "lashing out" behavior, expressed as barking, hissing, soiling, spraying, shredding of furniture, or other destructive behaviors, or does his play express inappropriate viciousness?

___ 75. Is your pet "acting old before his time," or is he an older animal who has been "put out to pasture"?

___ 76. Is he living in a stressful household, or does he have to cope with certain tensions in adjusting to domesticated life?

___ 77. Has he suffered abuse or neglect during his childhood?

___ 78. Is he acting "not quite himself" after a surgery, injury, or illness?

___ 79. Has your pet lost the ability to groom, feed, evacuate, or otherwise care for himself?

___ 80. Has there been a divorce or separation in the household, or any situation that would be considered ungrounding for your pet, including any persons in the household who are dealing with a strong lack of self-worth?

___ 81. Is he nearing his time of passing, especially after a debilitating illness?

___ 82. Is there any reason lately for your pet to feel that his territory or "space" is threatened, or has his innate sense of dignity been disrespected?

___ 83. Does your pet exhibit any fears in ways other than instinctive or appropriately self-protective?

___ 84. Is he skittish, easily spooked, or jumpy at loud voices or noises?

___ 85. Does he bark excessively or somewhat hysterically?

___ 86. Are visits to the veterinary clinic a source of terror for him, or does transportation in a vehicle cause him serious crisis?

___ 87. Is city life especially traumatic for him?

___ 88. Is he easily bullied and unable to "stand up" for himself?

___ 89. Does he have a "job" serving people, e.g., as a police or guard dog?

___ 90. Is he upset by extreme weather conditions?

___ 91. Is your pet's previous history unknown to you?

Answer Key

If even one check is placed within a particular grouping, this indicates a beneficial essence for your pet at this time.  If more than one statement per grouping is checked, it is best to prioritize the essences by the number of check marks for that essence or by the immediacy of the issue.  If you check some questions in different groupings that are similar to each other, indicating that both essences may be needed, first use the essence with the most check marks in that grouping.  You may find that several remedies are indicated equally strongly.  If so, in keeping with the recommended single-essence approach, prioritize them in order of need.  For dosage directions, please refer to Flower Essences for Pets or e-mail for information.

___ 1-3 Almond - Moderation

___ 4-7 Apple - Healthfulness

___ 8-11 Avocado - Good Memory

___ 12-14 Banana - Humility, Calmness

___ 15-18 Blackberry - Purity

___ 19-22 Cherry - Cheerfulness

___ 23-25 Coconut - Upliftment

___ 26-28 Corn - Vitality

___ 29-31 Date - Sweetness, Tenderness

___ 32-35 Fig - Flexibility

___ 36-42 Grape - Love

___ 43-45 Lettuce - Calmness

___ 46-52 Orange - Joy

___ 53-56 Peach - Selflessness, Expansion

___ 57-65 Pear - Peacefulness, "Emergency Essence"

___ 66-70 Pineapple - Assuredness

___ 71-74 Raspberry - Kindheartedness

___ 75-78 Spinach - Simplicity

___ 79-82 Strawberry - Dignity

___ 83-91 Tomato - Strength, Courage

Recommended follow-up reading is Flower Essences for Pets by SiNE founder/director Lila Devi.

Copyright 2001 by Lila Devi; reprinted with permission.

Go to SiNE/Master's Flower Essences page on this site.

Click here for information regarding Seminars about Spirit-in-Nature Essences.

For pricing details, go to the Price List.

Go to Secure Order Form to order online via Visa, Mastercard, or check.  Orders are also accepted at 1-505-934-3861 and by email.  If you are a repeat customer and none of your information has changed, we can process the order for you with just a list of products, brands, and sizes. 

Go to Master's Flower Essences Questionnaire for People

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