Alaskan Essences

Alaskan Essences

Our Flower Essence Practitioner Kit contains 72 essences prepared from wild and domestic flowers growing in the state of Alaska. The development of this kit spanned eight years of field work and required thousands of miles of travel throughout the Alaska wilderness.

The majority of essences in this kit were prepared in the vast central interior of the state. This bio-region lies between the broad and sweeping expanse of the Brooks Range to the north and the majestic Alaska Range to the south. Plant families in the central interior are very widespread in their range and dominant in their habitat. This means that there are a relatively small number of plant species, but these species occur in huge communities that often extend in unbroken  profusion for hundreds of miles. These plants form the vegetative core of the northern or boreal forests of the planet, and the essences prepared from them help us transform our core life patterns-those ways of thinking, feeling, and doing that have the most dominant and widespread impact in our lives.

This kit also features essences of plants that are somewhat rare in occurrence and more specialized in their growth patterns, including those from in the extreme northern interior and alpine areas of the state. Summer here seldom lasts for more than 65 days, however, plants grow at a phenomenal rate during this time due to the constant presence of sunlight. Consequently, essences prepared from these plants express an intensity that encourages us to resolve our issues of trust, self acceptance, and openness to abundance, so that we can experience the fullness of life in each moment.

Also included in this kit are 12 essences made from green flowers. These essences are evocative of some of the most subtle levels of healing that have even been explored with flower essences. During their preparation, we were constantly asked to open our hearts to increasingly subtler levels of healing energy. As we responded to these invitations, we were shown how these essences clear levels of pain and trauma held deep in the heart, a process that enables us to come to a point of true balance within ourselves, and consequently, to a place of genuine contact and partnership with nature. 

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Flower Essence Descriptions

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Alnus crispa


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Indications – taking life at surface value; unable to see what one senses to be true.

Healing Qualities – promotes clarity of perception on all levels; helps us integrate seeing with
knowing so that we can recognize our highest truth in each life experience.

Loiseleuria procumbens

Alpine Azalea

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Indications – self-doubt; withholding love from ourselves; unable to have compassion for ourselves.

Healing Qualities – helps us achieve unconditional self-acceptance through the release of
self-doubt; opens our hearts to the spirit of love; teaches us compassion through understanding.

Populus balsamifera

Balsam Poplar

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Indications – inconsistent emotional and sexual response, often resulting from shock and trauma or a lack of grounding.

Healing Qualities – for the release of physical and emotional tension associated with sexual trauma; balances the circulation of life force energy in the body; helps to ground and synchronize our sexual energy with planetary cycles and rhythms.

Picea mariana

Black Spruce

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Indications – contracted view of life; tendency to forget information learned from past experiences; out of touch with the wisdom of the soul family.

Healing Qualities – promotes the integration of information from past lessons and experiences into present time awareness; helps us access eternal and archetypal wisdom from the collective
consciousness of the earth.

Utricularia vulgaris


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Indications – caught up in illusion; unable to make decisions that support one's highest good; often deceived or taken advantage of; lack of discernment.

Healing Qualities – helps us shatter illusion through clear inner knowing; promotes discernment
when faced with dishonesty in others; strengthens our ability to perceive the truth regardless of the confusion that surrounds it.

Vaccinium uliginosum

Blueberry Pollen

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Indications – lack of belief in the concept of abundance; low prosperity consciousness; difficulty
receiving from others and from the earth.

Healing Qualities – helps us expand on all levels to accommodate abundance; facilitates the release of mental and emotional attachments that limit our ability to manifest higher purpose in physical form.

Viola sp.

Blue Elf Viola

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Indications – unable to express anger in a clear and nonviolent way; difficulty resolving conflict,
especially in group situations.

Healing Qualities – dissipates the protective energy that has been built up around our anger, rage, and frustration; helps us understand the issues at the root of these emotions so they can be
expressed in a clear and heart-centered way.

Vaccinium uliginosum

Bog Blueberry

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Indications – conditional acceptance of abundance; attachment to the form in which anything
manifests in one's life.

Healing Qualities – for neutralizing the beliefs that limit the experience of abundance on all levels; encourages us to open to the abundance that is offered with acceptance and gratitude.

Andromeda polifolia

Bog Rosemary

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Indications – lacking trust; immobilized by a fear of the unknown; inability to take risks in order to
grow or heal.

Healing Qualities – promotes the release of fear and resistance held deep in the heart; strengthens trust in Divine healing and support.

Cornus canadensis


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Indications – lack of mental focus; easily distracted by or caught up in the emotional turmoil of

Healing Qualities – helps us become aware of and then release our attachment to distraction;
promotes mental steadfastness and emotional clarity in demanding situations.

Chamaedaphne calyculata


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Indications – anxiousness; difficulty shifting one's attention to an inner focus; unable to relax into
deeper levels of meditation.

Healing Qualities – calming; encourages stillness of mind; enables us to perceive life from a quiet inner perspective.

Typha latifolia

Cattail Pollen

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Indications – weakened by connections and relationships that no longer serve one's highest truth; difficulty standing up for oneself; feeling unsupported by others.

Healing Qualities – helps one connect with the personal truth that illuminates one's chosen life path, and with the inner strength to act in alignment with this truth.

Mertensia paniculata

Chiming Bells

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Indications – depressed; despondent; disheartened; no joy in one's day-to-day existence; feeling a lack of support and stability at a basic level.

Healing Qualities – encourages the experience of joy, peace, and stability at the physical level of
our beings; helps us open our hearts to the loving energy of the Divine Mother.

Aquilegia formosa


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Indications – weak sense of self; judging one's appearance in comparison to others; unable to
appreciate one's unique or distinctive beauty.

Healing Qualities – helps us appreciate our own unique and personal beauty, regardless of how it
differs from others; strengthens our sense of self and the ability to project ourselves out in the

world for others to see.

Geocaulon lividum


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Indications – visionary abilities undeveloped or ungrounded and therefore of no practical use; focus of one's perceptions limited to the gross, material aspects of the physical world.

Healing Qualities – support for maintaining the necessary perspective on both the seen and unseen worlds as we move through the current dimensional shift; opens the heart to be a bridge between the third and fourth dimensions; helps us develop our potential to see the physical world from a higher perspective.

Eriophorum sp.

Cotton Grass

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Indications – shock and trauma resulting from an accident or injury of any kind; fixating on one's
discomfort rather than on the healing process; unable to completely heal an old injury because of a lack of awareness of what led to its creation.

Healing Qualities – helps a person come to an understanding of the core issues that led to an
accident or injury so that they can release the physical, emotional, and mental trauma associated

with it.

Heracleum lanatum

Cow Parsnip

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Indications – ungrounded; feeling cut off from one's roots; unsure of one's inner direction; difficulty connecting with or adapting to new surroundings after a move.

Healing Qualities – promotes inner strength; assists with the process of adapting to a new
environment; encourages peace of mind and contentment with present circumstances, even during times of intense transition and change.

Taraxacum officinale


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Indications – lack of awareness of the deeper mental attitudes that lead to chronic muscular tension; difficulty releasing emotional energy stored in the body.

Healing Qualities – promotes awareness and release of emotional tension held in muscle tissue;
increases body-mind communication so we are better able to identify the underlying issues and

attitudes that contributed to its formation.

Epilobium angustifolium


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Indications – shock or trauma; energy stagnation on any level; feeling burned out; weak connection to the earth.

Healing Qualities – strengthens the grounding connection to the earth; helps break up and move out old energy patterns that are being held in the etheric body so that new cycles of revitalization and renewal can be initiated.

Myosotis alpestris


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Indications – feeling separate; difficulty connecting to the spiritual dimension; deeper connections with others blocked by subconscious fears; feeling guilty about past actions.

Healing Qualities – facilitates the release of fear, guilt, and pain held in the subconscious; enables us to regain respect and compassion for ourselves and for others.

Digitalis purpurea


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Indications – fear of the unknown; lack of perspective on how to deal with a challenging situation;
unable to see the lesson or issue at the heart of a conflict or difficulty.

Healing Qualities – stimulates the release of fear and emotional tension; enables our perceptions to expand to connect with the truth of the situation.

Corydalis aurea

Golden Corydalis

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Indications – cannot get all of one's talents and skills to work together in a focused way;
overwhelmed by new experiences; cannot make sense of how one's life fits together.

Healing Qualities – supports the reintegration of identity after an experience of deep transformation; helps us establish and maintain a link with the higher self that facilitates the integration of life experience according to the needs of the soul.

Parnassia palustris

Grass of Parnassus

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Indications – difficulty maintaining one's energy level in toxic or crowded environments; subtle bodies need to be cleansed and re-energized.

Healing Qualities – showers all levels of the energy system with the cleansing and nourishing benefits of Light; helps us bring past experiences to completion on all levels.

Molucella laevis

Green Bells of Ireland

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Indications – ungrounded; lacking a conscious heart connection to the natural world; unaware of
the light and intelligence present in nature.

Healing Qualities – opens our conscious awareness to the light and intelligence present in nature; helps the newborn greet the earth; strengthens the energetic connection between the physical body and the earth.

Platanthera obtusata

Green Bog Orchid

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Indications – sensitivity to the self and others blocked by pain and fear held deep in the heart; lack of trust in one's deeper motivations; difficulty communicating from the heart.

Healing Qualities – stimulates the gentle release of pain and fear from deep levels of the heart;
expands awareness of one's inner nature; supports the development of a heart connection with

others and with the nature kingdoms.

Hammarbya paludosa

Green Fairy Orchid

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Indications – core imbalance between the masculine and feminine aspects of the self; difficulty
resolving conflicts within the heart; maintains separation through defensiveness.

Healing Qualities – helps us create a level of honesty in the heart where nothing is hidden; expands the heart so that it may contain the fullness of the inner male and inner female.

Moehringia lateriflora

Grove Sandwort

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Indications – feeling a lack of physical and emotional nurturing; weak bonding connections between mother and child; feeling unsupported by the earth.

Healing Qualities – helps us establish clear energetic communication with the earth; supports a
nurturing relationship between the earth and all living beings; strengthens physical and emotional

bonds between mothers and children.

Pinguicula villosa

Hairy Butterwort

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Indications – unable to acknowledge or trust in higher guidance and support, especially when
confronted with a challenging situation or life lesson; lack of awareness of the core issues that

need to be addressed in order to resolve a situation.

Healing Qualities – helps us consciously access the support and guidance we need in order to move through transition, conflict, or difficulty with ease, grace, and deep understanding, and without the creation of crisis or illness.

Campanula lasiocarpa


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Indications – feeling unloved and cut off from the Source; looking for love outside of oneself.

Healing Qualities – helps us remove self-imposed limitations to opening all areas of our life to
Universal Love and the presence of the Divine.

Equisetum arvense


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Indications – distorted communication with other levels of one's consciousness; difficulty
communicating with the higher selves of others, including animals.

Healing Qualities – connection; opens and expands channels of communication between the
conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious levels of our beings; improves inter-species


Papaver icelandica

Icelandic Poppy

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Indications – conditional about how we welcome spirit into our lives; survival, sexual, and spiritual aspects of life not integrated.

Healing Qualities – supports the gentle unfoldment of spiritual receptivity; strengthens our capacity to integrate and radiate spiritual energy into all aspects of our lives.

Polemonium pulcherrimum

Jacob's Ladder

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Indications – unclear about intention or motivation; lacking trust in the spiritual world; attempting to
mentally control life in order to fulfill needs and desires.

Healing Qualities – aligns intention and motivation with the higher self; helps us move from trying to "figure things out" to a place of opening to receive the wisdom that is available in each moment.

Ledum palustre

Labrador Tea

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Indications – addictions; attempting to balance one extreme with another; extreme imbalance in any area of life; difficulty coming back to center after a traumatic or unsettling experience.

Healing Qualities – centers energy—in the body—in the moment; relieves stress associated with the experience of extremes; helps us continually learn a new perspective of balance.

Tiarella trifoliata

Lace Flower

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Indications – lack of awareness, acceptance or appreciation of our own natural beauty and intrinsic value; feeling insignificant; unsure of how our personal or professional contributions fit into the whole.

Healing Qualities – strengthens self-acceptance and our sense of self-worth; promotes the
realization of how each person's unique contribution enriches the whole.

Spiranthes romanzoffiana

Ladies' Tresses

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Indications – lack of awareness of the connection between our life lessons and our life purpose;
difficulty reconnecting with the body after a serious injury or traumatic experience.

Healing Qualities – promotes deep internal realignment with life purpose through the release of
trauma held at the cellular level; helps us reconnect energetically with parts of the body that have

been injured or traumatized.

Cypripedium guttatum

Lady's Slipper

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Indications – lack of sensitivity to the flow of energy in and around the body; resistance to receiving healing energy from others.

Healing Qualities – regulates circulation in all of the major energy pathways; increases awareness of the flow of subtle energy in and around the body; helps us receive, focus and direct healing energy for others and ourselves.

Chenopodium album

Lamb's Quarters

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Indications – perspective limited to what we can understand with the mind; lacking balance and
harmony between the mind and heart, the rational and the intuitive.

Healing Qualities – heals separation between the heart and mind; balances the power of the mind with the joy of the heart.

Aconitum delphinifolium


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Indications – difficulties being in close physical contact with others; confused sense of spiritual
identity; fearful of contacting the shadow self.

Healing Qualities – provides protection and support for getting in touch with the deepest levels of
the inner self; strengthens our ability to interact with others by fostering a clear recognition of our

own divine identity.

Adoxa moschatelina


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Indications – overly intellectual focus on life; believing that everything must come through struggle; creating without joy.

Healing Qualities – teaches us how to accomplish more by grounding our mental focus into the
earth; helps us learn how to co-create with nature through celebration and play.

Artemisia tilesii

Mountain Wormwood

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Indications – unresolved anger and resentment; cannot easily forgive the self or others for past
actions regardless of the intent behind them.

Healing Qualities – stimulates the healing of old wounds and the release of resentment; supports us in surrendering un-forgiven areas within ourselves and in our relationships with others.

Cypripedium passerinum

Northern Lady's Slipper

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Indications – weak body/soul connection; traumatic birth experience; pain and trauma held very
deeply in the body.

Healing Qualities – nurturing energy for the healing of core traumas and wounds that are being held very deeply in the body; helps us allow our beings to be touched and healed by infinite gentleness.

Listera borealis

Northern Twayblade

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Indications – resistance to opening to the subtle aspects of our own consciousness; unable to
integrate our spiritual wisdom and divine nature with our most basic needs.

Healing Qualities – helps us ground our sensitivity to the subtle realms more fully into our physical body and life experience; helps us enlighten our most basic needs, instincts, and mundane realities with the finest aspects of our spiritual wisdom.

Pyrola secunda

One-Sided Wintergreen

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Indications – dysfunctional energy boundaries; strongly influenced by other people's energy; unaware of how one's energy and actions affect others.

Healing Qualities – helps sensitive people become aware of how they impact and are impacted by others; teaches us how to work in close proximity with others without losing our center; helps us create functional energy boundaries based on an awareness of our own sensitivities.

Papaver sominifera

Opium Poppy

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Indications – unable to find balance between activity and rest; deep exhaustion; unaware of past
accomplishments; difficulty understanding and integrating lessons and experiences.

Healing Qualities – for finding a balance between doing and being; helps us integrate previous
experiences so we may live more fully in the present.

Betula papyrifera

Paper Birch

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Indications – confusion or disorientation about the direction life should take; unable to connect with deeper levels of insight regarding life purpose.

Healing Qualities – encourages a gentle unveiling of the true and essential self that is present within; helps us gain a clearer perspective of our life purpose and how to live it.

Matricaria matricariodes

Pineapple Weed

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Indications – lack of harmony with our physical environment; unaware of the support and nurturing
that is available from nature; weak nurturing bond between mother and child.

Healing Qualities – helps us maintain a calm awareness of ourselves and our surroundings so that we can remain free from injury and risk; promotes harmony between mothers and children, and
between humans and the earth.

Rosa acicularis

Prickly Wild Rose

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Indications – lacking trust and faith; feeling hopeless; apathetic and disinterested in life; unable to
keep the heart open when involved in adverse circumstances.

Healing Qualities – helps us remain openhearted when we are faced with conflict and struggle;
builds trust; encourages openness and a courageous interest in life.

Epilobium latifolium

River Beauty

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Indications – emotional devastation; overwhelmed by grief, sadness, or a sense of loss; shock and trauma from emotional or sexual abuse.

Healing Qualities – an essence of emotional recovery, reorientation and regeneration; helps us start over after emotionally devastating experiences; empowers us to use adverse circumstances as incentive for cleansing and growth.

Drosera rotundifolia

Round-Leaved Sundew

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Indications – attachment to the known; fearful of the unknown; would rather struggle than change;
over-identification with the ego; lack of communication between the lower and higher self.

Healing Qualities – for surrendering attachment to the known and letting go of resistance to the
unknown; helps us bring the strength of the ego into alignment with divine will.

Dodecatheon frigidum

Shooting Star

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Indications – sense of not belonging on the earth; homesickness for a place that cannot be
identified; unable to consciously understand why one is here.

Healing Qualities – strengthens one's connection to inner spiritual guidance; brings a deeper
understanding of cosmic origins and earthly purpose.

Moneses uniflora

Single Delight

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Indications – feeling isolated and alone, especially during a dark or depressing time; cloudy inner vision; unable to sense or feel the connection with one's soul family.

Healing Qualities – for those suffering from feelings of isolation; helps us open to and link
energetically with other members of our soul family.

Sanguisorba stipulata

Sitka Burnet

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Indications – feelings of internal discord from unknown origins; unable to locate the source of our
problems in life; difficulty understanding the lessons contained within our learning experiences.

Healing Qualities – for healing the past on all levels; helps us identify issues that are contributing to internal conflict; works with an individual to bring forth the full potential for healing that lies within
a given process.

Picea sitchensis

Sitka Spruce Pollen

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Indications – lack of humility in one's relationship to the earth; imbalance between the masculine
and feminine expressions of power within an individual; reluctance to express or exercise one's

power for fear of hurting someone.

Healing Qualities – balances the masculine and feminine expressions of power within an individual; supports right action in the present moment.

Sheperdia canadensis


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Indications – fear of the power of nature; fear of one's own power; using one's power in
irresponsible, inappropriate, or unbalanced ways.

Healing Qualities – stimulates the release of tension from the heart associated with a fear of nature; helps us move through fear with an open heart; supports us in channeling the expression of power through our hearts.

Sphagnum sp.

Sphagnum Moss

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Indications – overly critical and judgmental of the healing journey; obsessing about the day-to-day details of one's healing process; unable to see the positive side of transformational experiences.

Healing Qualities – helps us release the need for harsh judgment or criticism of our healing journey; enables us to create a space of unconditional acceptance in the heart so that core issues can be brought there for healing.

Spiraea beauverdiana


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Indications – feeling unsupported by life; placing limitations on how support will be allowed into our lives; attachment to the way things are, even if they are not to our liking.

Healing Qualities – encourages unconditional acceptance of support from all sources; teaches us
how to nurture and be nurtured by life through openness and gratitude.

Geranium erianthum

Sticky Geranium

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Indications – feeling unfocused, lethargic, or indecisive; resistance to moving on to the next level or stage of an experience; lacking energy to reach our goals; attached to our current level of consciousness and identity.

Healing Qualities – for getting un-stuck; supports decisive and focused action; helps us move beyond previous stages of growth and self-identity.

Helianthus annuala


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Indications – unbalanced expression of masculine energy in men or women; weak or dysfunctional relationship to the father, or to one's own identity as a father.

Healing Qualities – strengthens radiant expression of self; encourages a balanced expression of
masculine energy in men and women; promotes a functional relationship with authority.

Myrica gale


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Indications – emotional energies blocked in lower chakras; emotional communication with others is defensive, lacking clarity, and is characterized by conflict, blame, and the assignment of guilt.

Healing Qualities – helps us identify and release deep emotional pain and tension that undermines the quality of our communication and interactions with others, especially in male/female relationships.

Hierochloe odorata


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Indications – energy blockages in the etheric body; low energy flow during the day; difficulty
bringing a healing process to final completion; needing to remove disharmonious energies from the home or work environment.

Healing Qualities – cleanses and rejuvenates the etheric body; brings lessons and experiences to completion on the etheric level; removes disharmonious energies from our home or work environments.

Larix laricina


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Indications – no confidence in one's unique skills and potentials; weak sense of self-identity; lacks awareness of what one is capable of.

Healing Qualities – promotes self-confidence by helping us reach a deeper understanding of our
unique strengths and abilities; encourages the conscious development of individuality.

Potentilla fruticosa

Tundra Rose

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Indications – hopeless; lack of inspiration and motivation; overwhelmed by the responsibilities one has taken on.

Healing Qualities – restores hope, courage and inspiration to those who have much to offer but are close to giving up; strengthens the ability to bring a larger expression of joy and enthusiasm to the fulfillment of one's responsibilities.

Listera cordata

Tundra Twayblade

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Indications – deep pain and anguish resulting from wounds suffered in the past; heart closed in an attempt to avoid feeling the pain that is stored there.

Healing Qualities – opens the heart to allow unconditional love complete access to areas of the
body that are in need of healing; supports the clearing of trauma held at the cellular level of the


Linnaea borealis


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Indications – defensive or reactive communication; unable to clearly communicate from different
aspects of the self; has difficulty understanding what others are saying.

Healing Qualities – promotes balance in communication; helps us learn to listen and speak to others from a place of inner calm and focused neutrality.

Epilobium angustifolium

White Fireweed

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Indications – deep emotional shock and trauma; profound alienation from the body after an experience of sexual or emotional abuse.

Healing Qualities – calms the emotional body after a traumatic or shocking experience; helps us
release the imprint of painful emotional experiences from the cellular memory so that rejuvenation can begin.

Picea glauca

White Spruce

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Indications – information overload; feeling dis-integrated; unable to apply knowledge to life's
challenges; difficulty integrating how one feels with how one thinks.

Healing Qualities – grounds spiritual wisdom into the body; helps us bring logic, intuition and
emotion together into unified action in the present moment.

Viola renifolia

White Violet

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Indications – uncomfortable in closed spaces and constrained environments; fearful of losing one's identity in a group; unable to embody one's sensitivity in a comfortable way.

Healing Qualities – builds trust in the protection of the higher Self and benevolent spiritual forces;
helps those who are highly sensitive or acutely aware of their surroundings maintain a strong sense of self regardless of the dynamics of their environment.

Iris setosa

Wild Iris

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Indications – lack of belief in one's own capacity to create; blocking creative expression because of an unwillingness to share it with others; feeling disconnected from the source of one's creativity.

Healing Qualities – opens awareness of our inherent creative potential; helps us recognize the
beautiful expression of Divine creativity that we are; encourages us to share our inner beauty and

creative energy freely with others.

Polygonum alaskanum

Wild Rhubarb

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Indications – mental resistance and inflexibility; mind influenced by the ego; communication between the heart and mind blocked or undeveloped.

Healing Qualities – promotes mental flexibility; brings the mind into alignment with Divine Will
through the heart; encourages a relaxation of inappropriate mental control; balances the rational

and the intuitive.

Salix bebbiana


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Indications – resistance to taking responsibility for one's actions or for the life one has created;
unaware of how thoughts create reality.

Healing Qualities – stimulates mental receptivity, flexibility, and resilience; helps us remove our
resistance to consciously creating our lives.

Achillea borealis


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Indications – oversensitive to the environment; looking for protection from outside rather than from within the self; integrity of the aura has been compromised by injury or trauma in this or another

Healing Qualities – seals energy breaks in the aura; strengthens the overall integrity of the energy field; helps us know and be the source of our own protection.

Dryas drummondii

Yellow Dryas

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Indications – feeling estranged from one's soul family; unable to sense the connective thread that
links one's experiences into a coherent and understandable whole.

Healing Qualities – support for those who are exploring the edge of the known; helps one maintain an energetic connection to one's soul family during dynamic cycles of growth and change.

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Sizes and Prices for this page:

Singles are 1/4 oz for $11 and 1 oz for $16.

Flower Kit 1/4 oz is $520.00 and 1 oz is $694.00.

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